Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Someone come and rescue me from this boring week. Being sick is no fun! :P I have no energy. I am staying in bed alot, because i do not want to get others sick! Me being in bed cause I have no energy = me sleeping alot. me sleeping alot during the day = crappy night time sleeping! I geuss being sick does have some benifits though, like i had the time to read my book for 1 Timothy, as well as now i have a whole day to read ethics! :D I think the timothy book has been putting me to sleep cause i get really sleepy everytime i pick it up to read it, but i only have like 4 pages left to read so i will do that after bloging! Being sick also gives me the time to update my blog (yay to all those bloggers who have been asking me to update) And it gives me the chance to look at other blogs as well! Anyway, I am signing off now!


Blogger Jen said...

I hear ya! I was sick this past weekend. It was sucky very sucky...

7:16 AM  

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