Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I do not understand!

Can some one please please please explain to me how in the world how people can put there are people who can put there parents in a care home and then live just a couple of blocks away and then hardly ever visit! I can understand that people put there parents in a care home, I understand that, I mean, some people can not take care of them anymore, and I get that, and some people are busy but still makes time to visit. However it really gets to me when people put there parents in a care home just to “pawn them off” or at least that’s what it seems like cause they live just a couple blocks away and visit maybe once every two weeks. It is so sad. They just seem soooooooo sad! It is SO unfair!

At the same time, God what in the world are you doing in me? So many times through the prayers of others and then through different things at placements it seems that you may be leading me into seniors ministry. I don’t understand it…because the couple of times we have done service it just seems to go disastrous for me! HELP me please!!!!!!


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