Saturday, July 22, 2006

Our first VBC went good. We had eight kids, seven girls and one boy more specifically. And we were competing with a community where a lot of the kids were involved with both tennis lessons, which were twice a week, and then soccer, which was also two nights a week. So having eight kids was ok. For the most part they seemed to have fun, and all we can do is pray that seeds where planted and that they will grow. The couple that Rachel and I stayed with was very sweet. They had two girls, Savannah and Val, that both attended the bible club. Then each day when we would return from the bible club we would here the girls repeating there memory verses or singing the songs they learnt, which wormed my heart so much.
VBC was not the only thing we did there though. After lunch we would usually try to do some sort of other ministry and outreach! So Monday we went to Rockwood park, and took the Frisbee and football the through around. It was SOOOO hot, so to cool down Rachel and I go for a quick, and I mean quick, swim. And then we all have fun for a couple of hour’s throwing football and Frisbee around, in which random kids would come and join us! :D After we dropped the guys off at the rectory Rachel and I both got to try Baskin Robin’s donuts for the first time. After which we went back to our billets, to really begin to get to know the girls and their parents. On Tuesday afternoon we went to the kennebick manner for a meeting to see if there was an afternoon that we could come back and help out, and also knowing we wanted to help out at Saint John and Saint Steven nursing home as well. We decided that Thursday afternoon was the best day to go back, we went and help the people play bingo and then we had a short sing along with them. Then on Friday we went to the other home where we just did a lot of visits with people who ether couldn’t or wouldn’t come out of there rooms. It was sweet, and yet difficult at the same time. (Makes me wonder what God is doing since seniors ministry has come up in pray a number of times) So that leaves Wednesday! Wednesday we went back to the park, where I tried my hand at face painting and we handed out free lemonade!
Now, On to the fun! The couple Rachel and I stayed with had their own tennis court, pool, hot tub, pool table, and their own gym! So each day when Rachel and I went home we would usually go for a swim with the girls. Oh and on Tuesday and Thursday we went to watch the girl’s soccer games! Then we would usually enjoy some down time and then we would um be out around the campfire a couple of nights! :D Well I think I have said everything I could, so I am signing off! Take Care and God Bless, Susan!


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