Friday, June 30, 2006

Week at Kens, Part two: A day of Silent retreet!

Have you ever spent hours in silance? well this week I did! Our task on thursday, because of the weather, was to do this retreet which ken gave us the outline for! It is you start with a prayer of confession and invatation, then move into thirty minnutes of silant listening in which you think of a phrase that draws you near to God, and then you read and reread a short passage of scripture, then you medatate on what you read, then you pray as God leads, then you jurnal, then you have some recreation and some reflective reading, and then you rest, and then you repeat the process, so each cycle is spose to take you 4 to 4 and a 1/2 hours! And you are spose to do this on your own! So the morning was brutal! It was so hard to stay quite, and try to hear from God! I usually need worship to enter in to my time with God! However then we came together for lunch and we discused the morning! then after a brake we were sent out to do the whole thing over again! And the second time around it was Awsome and amazing! I was so relaxed in God's presence that I almost fell asleep! :D It was great! when we discused it at first Ken made us feel like we were the only group to strugle with this, however after we returned from the second time he told us that we had a very commen reaction to what others had before us! Anyway it was neet and I would encourage people to take some time and retreet, be quite before the LORD! Peace out, Take Care and God bless!


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