Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Third year meetings!

Bah, tonight I found out through other students that the third years have meetings all day tomorow with Bruce, Paul, and Rob, and for all you non church army officers reading this, they our the national and reginal directors for church army. they are about posting for after commisioning i am awsuming. however i never knew about the meetings and i never got a ledder like the rest of the third ear students. Does this surprise me...not really. Does it stink...deffently. I know i messed up alot in the past two years, and as musch as i wish i could turn back time and take it all back, i can't! See I geuss somewhere deep down inside when i found out i could finish my training, i hoped that there might be a slight chance I could somehow redeam myself. however knowing the rest of the third years are having meatings about postings and I am not, is making me face the reality that I am not church army. It makes me wonder if I can ever redeem myself. Now with that being said I am not going to just give up, I am going to continue to work my but off all year and so i can alot graduate with a diploma in Mission and Evangelism! The funny thing is I feel numb. I leard this summer that those things which I was looking into doing last year was compltly fleshly desires, and not of God. I shared with Jen and Chris, as they were praying with me during the national church army confrence, that even though I know I didn't want to be part of church army at the end of the year, I also can't see myslef anywhere else. I know that probrably dosen't make sence to alot of people, but it is how i feel. Anyway, I geuss I really really really no matter how hard it is, surender this situation to God, and wait and see, and pray that God shows me the plan he has for me, and pray for God's peace as i wait to hear from Him, and just continue to trust that there is something out there for me! Your orayers would be apreshiated as I try to figgure things out!


Blogger Jen said...

Well I don't think you coming to TC was a waste or anything. It was part of God's plan. And his plan will continue to reign in your life if you continue to surrender it to him. Which I know is sometimes hard as heck but God knows what he is doing, surprisingly enough!

Keep your head up and your eyes focused on him!!!

7:13 AM  
Blogger gray said...

Amen! You don't need to redeem yourself Susan, Jesus has already done that. Your job is not to worry, but to stay focused on the Redeemer!

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future"

Love you!

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Susan,
Church Army is a society of evangelists, its only one of many places where God uses people to build His Kingdom. You came to TC because God brought you here, and you have learned tons about His Word and how to proclaim it!!!
Youth for Christ, IVCF, YWAM, plus many other organizations and then there are congregations and denominations. Girl, you were chosen by God to serve, a posting is a place to start. If you apply to churches or organizations and are hired, its the same as a posting.
Jesus is in your heart, so don't worry, ask your teachers if you can use them as references, ask your placement for references, and ask friends who are officers for references. Then pray and step out of the boat and look into work.
God's with you Susan.

3:58 PM  

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