Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Anti Depresiants

well next month it would have been a year snece i have been on Anti Depresents. It took me a long time to get used to taking them, an even longer time for me to tell anyone, and well my family is still not ok with my decision. I learnt this summer that Elijah sufferfed from depression as well. And so i began to ask my team members to pray for freedom from depresion. And all seemed to have worked it has been close to three weeks sence i have taken any medacation for depresion, and ok, yes i should have talked to my doctor about going off of them instead of just stoping, but for the most part i still feel fine. The past nights i have been a little upset but nothing a good cry could not handel. I still have them incase I need them and I am montering myslef relativly closely, and so hopefully I will not have to live in the bondage of depression again! Please keep me in your prayers as I take things a day at a time. Take Care and GOd Bless, Susan!


Blogger Jen said...

A lot of people struggle with depression, including myself. So know you are not alone in this struggle. And remember God is biggier than anything we could ever think of...So there is hope!! And this is where I struggle the most, try to stay positive!

Praying for you!

7:05 AM  

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