Monday, September 25, 2006

Running away from God!

Tonight I realized something. I have been avoiding and I have been running away from God. Ever since I have got back from Newfoundland I have felt for the most part distant from God, even when I am getting in His word, I just feel nothing, empty, dry, and distant. I even really struggled with my first service this year, especially with the talk, and figuring out what to write. I couldn’t really figure out why, or well, being completely honest here and with my self, I was avoiding why! I have over the past while, felt like I needed to spend time with God. Felt like I needed to start reading again, not just the bible, but my personal books that I started reading this summer and got so much out of. Feeling like I needed to spend time worshiping and praying to God. But did I…No, I kept avoiding it, hanging out with the girls, or doing other things. Yah, the reason I have been so dry is because I have been lying to myself, I have been avoiding or running away form what I know I needed to do! So tonight, after getting home from TEC and after writing for a bit, I started praying. Asking God to forgive me for running away and avoiding Him, asking for his forgiveness (again) for the wrongs things that happened while I was home. Just asking Him to help me stay focused on Him and asking Him to give me the desire to go deeper with Him. Then I picked up a book that Reed recommended me to read and take a look at…It is called recognize your spiritual authority. I have only read the first chapter which is on overcoming intimidation, but it is really good, and I can understand why he recommended me to read it, or at least I think I understand why! Anyway yah, after I read that book I am going to go back and begin to get back to reading my other two books big girls don’t whine, and Lady in waiting: becoming the woman God wants you to be while waiting for Mr. right! So it has been good reconnecting with God. I have got to stop running, and I took the first step toward that tonight.


Blogger Catherine Morris said...

Hey Susan!

Just want to encourage you by sharing that I run away from God too sometimes. I think everybody does. I'm so glad that you are getting back on track though. Sometimes it seems really hard to press in and read the Bible or be still "and know that I am God". There are so many distractions that would take us away from that. But if you remember who it is that wants to make it hard for you to press in, it might help you to overcome the obstacles. "Let's see. Could it be ........... Satan!!?" (Remember Church Lady Dana Carvey's character from SNL? I thought if I invited Jesus into my life I would become just like her.)

Hang in there, sis. You have grown a whole lot since I first met you and God isn't done with you yet - or with me for that matter!

Love in Christ,

4:39 PM  

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