Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2 nights of seeking God:

The past two nights I have spent a fair amount of time in the chapel here at the college. Myself adn a few other people have been worshiping and praying. I have had a really difficult time worshiping and I was not sure why other then I was trying hard to deal with the stuff going on at home! And well God spoke to me and showed me that I was angry! And so I had to appolagise and repent of it, and then I have spent alot of today appolagising to different people for my anger, and it is funny cause they didn't even see that I was angry, which ment it was all internal! Then tonight at prayer I broke down and cryed, alot, and I realised that I am angry at God and I am angry cause I feel like the prayers for my nan is not making a difference, and I am tired of feeling that way! I know that God hears our prayers, I have been trying to focus on the scripture that talks about the prayer of the rightouchs pervales! And trying to remember that God hears us when we call out to him! but it has still been a challenge! So I am sorry for being angry with God, and tonight, I was reminded that even in my anger God still loves me! How, I don't really know! But I am thankful that he loves me despite the fact I am angry and hurt!


Blogger Jen said...

I am so glad that we have a God of grace, ,mercy and unconditional love!! AMEN!!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

oh Susan-face! God is soo good. His grace is incredible. I'm really glad that he showed you truth in this matter and how to fix it. Bless you :) Check out Psalm 139, its amazing girl!

I love you sister!

7:49 PM  

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