My Nan!
Ok guys, I have not been giving updates on my nan, and it is time I do so, so here it goes. One of my Joys over Christmas was getting to see my nan, and I was so glad that despite everything she went through, she still looks like nan!
She finally had her surgy in the early part of December, and they did not even have to cut her open, they were able to do the whole thing Microscopically. Good right? well yah it looked that way at first, but then she got high fevers, and the suspected another infection :( But it was not, well kinda, turns out she caught Pnemonia. She finally got out of the hospital, a little longer then we exspected, but she got out.
Then my parents brought her to Gander when they came to pick me up, she went there cause my aunt wanted her to spend Christmas there. And two things happened while she was out there. The first was she caught a cold, which she had for the rest of the time I was home. Second, and sorry for the gross details, but second was she thinks there was a complacation in the surgry, and she thnks they some how went two far and they got her bowals in a knot of some sort, which gives her bad cramps. It has turned her off from food, and she has lost 20 to 30 pounds sence the infection.
I have also noticed she is more confused and agravated as well. The confusion could possibly come from the fact that she is just getting older. as for the agravation I can understand it, but I can also see my family's view. they treat her like she is going to brake at any minnute, so she has no independance and freedom anymore which she is use to having, I can only imagine how frusterating that must be! But at the same time, I can see why my family does it, it is cause she is still not 100% and they want her to be careful.
Two days before I left she went for bloodwork so we are now waiting to see what that has to say! Then a few days ago, she went home, to her own home for the first time in almost four months. thanks to all of you for your prayers during these past few months for my nan and my family during this difficult time!
Hey glad to hear that she is doing ok (despite everything)...
I will continue to pray for her...
Same Here susan...lifting up prayers to heaven.
Wow, Susan! She's beautiful! She must know a lot, she looks like the type of gram that loves to teach you knew things and tell you stories, and from what you've told me about her, I think she is :) I hope, maybe, I can meet her sometime! I'm praying for you and your family and your nan! I miss you soo much! God bless you sister. I love you.
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