Saturday, February 17, 2007

Driving Lesson # 2

Today I had my second driving lesson today! It ended with me leaving the cars in tears. I paniced, completly and totally. Every time I saw a car comming toward me i would jerk the wheel, to which my instructer would constantly tell me. then he would have to keep telling me to either speed up or slow down, I could never get the right speed, um, I kept doing my turns wrong. I had a bad habit of driving with my hand near the signal light, and I would just turn it on when I did not need two. He said to me, he didn't know why I kept doing the three things he told me not to do! Finally 45 minnutes into the lesson he told me to pull into a parking lot. And switch sides. He said that I paniced, and he does not let panicy people drive cause they crash the car, and he is not letting that happen. Everytime I messed up hre would keep telling me I was putting my self at high-risk for getting rear-ended. As well as becuase of one of my stops at an intersection I caused another car to make a qwick lane change. He told me I kept turning my wheel to much and hard during turns. As well as when I am trying to look straight ahead, I am looking at the line on the road, instead of ahead, and it caused me to go not strait, and he said I would not be able to tell if there was a turn in the road until it was to late. I am so tense and uptight. Jessie saw I was crying the momement I got out of the car. So she met me at the top of the stairs and let me cry, all the time reminding me to breath, becuase I was so shaken I started to hyperventalate, I swore I couldn't do it and did not want to get behind the wheel of a car again. (sound familiar) Hilary got me to drink water, and I found that concentrating on drinking aloud me to breath normaly again, which is good. But even with that I still cried really hard for close to 40 minnutes. It is insane. The girls kept getting me to repeat the phrase "I will get behind the wheel again" until I had convinced them, and then tried to believe it myself. I just am finding it hard to grasp the idea that other people believe I can do it and I will do it, when I don't see it myself. (I know I am probrably being to hard on myslef) Anyway, I and ask you to pray that this would not stop me, but I would learn from this and me motivated to change, pray that I would be able to revcieve God's peace, and that I would remember to be kind to myself instead of being extremly hard on myself. thanks for reading this.


Blogger Jenn Hillier said...

Hey there kid. :) Don't worry about it at all. Heh. You know how much I like to drive right? Well let me tell you a little story.

When I was first learning how to drive I had to back out of the driveway. I didn't want to, but dad made me. So of course I was totally nerve wracked. Hehe. I was so nervous that I pressed way to hard on the gas. Well of course I shot backwards like a bat outta hell (pardon the expression). That in and of itself scared me even more and I twisted the wheel. Well as I was shooting backwards up out of my driveway the wheels of course twisted as I twisted the wheel and the wheel went right out over the bank of the driveway. Luckily I was going so fast that I kept on going and didn't get stuck. Picture the top of my driveway. Well I was sideways in it by the time I finally managed to find the brake pedal. I burst into tears of course, and to make matters even more embarrassing, Jordon Carroll drove by while dad was yelling at me and I was crying in the top of the driveway. LOL. I was sure it was going to be all over school by the next day. Haha...

The point is, there is rarely anyone who does anything perfect on their first tries at anything. It usually gets better. You just have to give it a chance. In a couple of years you will be looking back on this and laughing like crazy.

In the meantime, I guess it's too soon to make driving jokes huh? :) I'm doing my internship at the Academy now and a bunch of my kids are getting their liscences. I love making fun of them and making driving jokes. LOL.

“Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.”

I'm around if you wanna chat.


5:51 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

susan, i believe you can do it because you can do all things through christ who gives you strength.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Honey!
I can only say one thing to help you...relax! (I know easier said than done, right?) Trust me EVERYONE sucks at driving first off. The sooner you allow yourself to relax (and trust yourself!!!) the sooner you'll catch on. It sounds to me like you're putting WAY too much pressure on yourself. If you hit the signal when you didn't mean to, it's not the end out the world. Say oops, make a mental note to keep your hands at 10 and 2, and move on. You can do it if YOU believe you can.


2:23 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

you know what, your friend mandi has a point!!

6:17 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Susan. I miss you.

I have a quote, and I don't know if you'll be mad for me putting it for this, but here goes.

'Jesus, take the wheel'

I love you.

7:05 PM  

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