Sunday, July 30, 2006

Our week in New Denmark/Artherette!

So our week in New Denmark was awsome! Both with the bible club and our billits!

the first night we got to our billits, they where asking us to play vollyball and football with them! from thqat night on, every night we got home from supper and waited till it was dark out and then went and plaed games such as capture the flag, sardenes, soccer (WELL I NEVER played soccer, and it was when it was still light out!) anyway, needless to say there was alot of late nights and alot of fun fun times, to this day I still miss them and want to go back to new denmark!

the vacation bible clubs where good to! we averadged around 25-30 (I think) thats in the morning, in the afternoon we only had around 12-15 which was nice!

I am going to stop this blog now though cause i only mostly remember about our billits, it has been so long sence we did the bible clubs there that i don't remember!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lady in Waitingàbecoming the women God wants you to be while waiting for Mr. Right!

About a week ago I went to the Baptist book room looking for the book “Big Girls Don’t Wine” and ended up ordering that one and buying another one. And I thought it would be about staying pure before finding Mr. Right, BUT it is about so much more. It is just stirring something up in me more and more and I don’t really know how to deal with it. There is SO much! And I feel like God wants to do something in me but it is just nuts! I can not even find the words to it right now which means I am going to post this as is and then when I find the words or understand it better I will edit this blog, but right now it is just to much
I do not understand!

Can some one please please please explain to me how in the world how people can put there are people who can put there parents in a care home and then live just a couple of blocks away and then hardly ever visit! I can understand that people put there parents in a care home, I understand that, I mean, some people can not take care of them anymore, and I get that, and some people are busy but still makes time to visit. However it really gets to me when people put there parents in a care home just to “pawn them off” or at least that’s what it seems like cause they live just a couple blocks away and visit maybe once every two weeks. It is so sad. They just seem soooooooo sad! It is SO unfair!

At the same time, God what in the world are you doing in me? So many times through the prayers of others and then through different things at placements it seems that you may be leading me into seniors ministry. I don’t understand it…because the couple of times we have done service it just seems to go disastrous for me! HELP me please!!!!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

National Conference:
The national conference was awesome! So many things happened! First let me say it came at the perfect time, cause with just finishing one week with doing to VBC’S in one day just finishing, and then heading into another week with two clubs right after national conference, it was a good time to be refreshed and get rest.
I had a hard time believing that I was there at first, well I mean kinda! When I was so unsure of things at the end of the school year and when I was accepted back into Taylor to finish my third year but not be commissioned I wondered weather or not I would even be aloud to go to national conference caused it looked like I was not going to be in church army, but I was aloud to go, and boy and I ever glad!
On that first night being their with a hundred evangelist around you, to be able to worship with them, and to look to the left and right and see amazing evangelist worshiping God was sooooo powerful to see! And then to be able to put faces to the people we have been praying for. Those who have gone before us and prepared the way for us! It was such an amazing honor to meat these people. And to sit down and begin to get to know these people and their stories including what they where doing today!
The sense of family was easy to see very early on, and it was very neat. I ended up getting sick on Sunday, and I remember trying not to mention anything to many people, some people noticed, but mostly I did not want people to think I couldn’t handle things on my own, so I tried to keep my mouth shut and just enjoy the couple hours off, however by supper time I had asked a couple of people to pray for God’s healing for me cause I really did not feel well. However I was determined to make it through the night. Thanks to Carol I ended up resting all through supper, and woke just in time to make it to commissioning, where I only made it through about half the service before Carol took me home cause I was so sick I was white. I ended up staying home that Monday, and was feeling well enough to go on Tuesday morning for the ending, so when I arrived back on Tuesday I had people who I didn’t even think knew I was sick asking how I was feeling. Reed prayed with me during the brake, and so did a few other officers and I began to pick up and feel a little better by the end of the conference. But it just really overwhelmed me to see how many people cared! Thanks to all those who did pray for me, I went to get checked out that after noon and discovered I had a bladder infection and sense I have been on medication for it I have been feeling 100% better! And then to top that off, I met my cousin at the conference, which was such a special moment, I began to learn a little bit more about my Dad’s side of the family, which was great cause I have wanted to for a while now. I hope that now I know her I can keep in touch with her.
The end of the conference brought lots of sorrow, in one way, saying those good byes to those who you love and those officers you are close to! And also at the end of the conference I learnt a valuable lesson! I learnt to think before you speak! That words you speak have power and consaqwinces. And no matter how much you wish you could take them back you can’t! I am sorry for the pain that my words caused some people. And all I can is I am trying very hard not to open my mouth before thinking very hard and closely about what I am going to say! “Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” “The words of gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to man’s inmost parts.” “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a hash word stirs up anger.” “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”
Cambridge Narrows/Sussex:
Our second and third bible clubs where in Cambridge Narrows and Sussex Corner. They went well. We learned when doing to clubs in one day to MAKE SURE you have EVERYTHING before packing up, or else, well, you could be improvising a few things, but all in all things went well. We also learned that with maybe one exception any kid under five is TO YOUNG!!!! We averaged around 15 to 16 kids in each club. So we doubled our numbers which was great, but we had the volunteers to support it, we would have never been able to handle that many kids with out volunteers.
There was not a lot of opportunity for extra ministries where we were but we did do some. Monday night we went to camp Medley where we did a prayer walk through the entire camp ground and then had some fun playing capture the flag with the kids and staff. Then on Wednesday we went to visit a lady and have a swim in the river and then have supper and talk with her. And that was it! All in All it was a good week! :D
Our first VBC went good. We had eight kids, seven girls and one boy more specifically. And we were competing with a community where a lot of the kids were involved with both tennis lessons, which were twice a week, and then soccer, which was also two nights a week. So having eight kids was ok. For the most part they seemed to have fun, and all we can do is pray that seeds where planted and that they will grow. The couple that Rachel and I stayed with was very sweet. They had two girls, Savannah and Val, that both attended the bible club. Then each day when we would return from the bible club we would here the girls repeating there memory verses or singing the songs they learnt, which wormed my heart so much.
VBC was not the only thing we did there though. After lunch we would usually try to do some sort of other ministry and outreach! So Monday we went to Rockwood park, and took the Frisbee and football the through around. It was SOOOO hot, so to cool down Rachel and I go for a quick, and I mean quick, swim. And then we all have fun for a couple of hour’s throwing football and Frisbee around, in which random kids would come and join us! :D After we dropped the guys off at the rectory Rachel and I both got to try Baskin Robin’s donuts for the first time. After which we went back to our billets, to really begin to get to know the girls and their parents. On Tuesday afternoon we went to the kennebick manner for a meeting to see if there was an afternoon that we could come back and help out, and also knowing we wanted to help out at Saint John and Saint Steven nursing home as well. We decided that Thursday afternoon was the best day to go back, we went and help the people play bingo and then we had a short sing along with them. Then on Friday we went to the other home where we just did a lot of visits with people who ether couldn’t or wouldn’t come out of there rooms. It was sweet, and yet difficult at the same time. (Makes me wonder what God is doing since seniors ministry has come up in pray a number of times) So that leaves Wednesday! Wednesday we went back to the park, where I tried my hand at face painting and we handed out free lemonade!
Now, On to the fun! The couple Rachel and I stayed with had their own tennis court, pool, hot tub, pool table, and their own gym! So each day when Rachel and I went home we would usually go for a swim with the girls. Oh and on Tuesday and Thursday we went to watch the girl’s soccer games! Then we would usually enjoy some down time and then we would um be out around the campfire a couple of nights! :D Well I think I have said everything I could, so I am signing off! Take Care and God Bless, Susan!