Sunday, December 24, 2006


Hey everyone. I have managed to sign on to my msn. However, now I can't seem to sign off...the little menue you have to bring down to change your status will not come down, dad says it is like that with all the menues on the computer, so no idea whats going on! So anyway, the main reason I am posting this is to say if you are trying to talk to me and I don't respondd, I am not being rude, I am just not there, or someone else is one the computer!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to say to every one who read my blog, A very Merry Christmas, and a happy new year! I originaly thought that I was heading out at five and then I double checked my flight, and it leaves 3:50 (sorry reed, looks like I am leaving early {will I ever learn}) anyway, hope you all have a blessed christmas and a happy new year! Take Care and God Bless, this christmas season!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

True love, True family!

Tonight, I experienced something really special, though for the first few minutes it happened, I may not have said it was special, it really was. Tonight, I almost took a fall, not a literal one, but a spiritual one. Ever herd the saying Old habits die hard? Well that is defiantly true in my case. Tonight, just before I was about to fall back into one of my old ways, my roommates confronted me about it. At first I did not want to hear what they were saying, I wanted to believe I could do this without being affected. But as I sat and listed I really began to understand what they were saying, and I cried so hard and for a really long time. I couldn’t believe how close I had come to doing the one thing I have tried so hard to stay away from. I could not believe that these girls would love and care for me so much that they would do something my biological family would not do, they would protect me by holding me accountable, and they would do it in a loving way! And then they prayed with me! Through this, I just felt so loved. I felt more and more like this is my family, not my parents back in Newfoundland. Through this some of my deepest fears came out. Through this I was reminded of why I was trying to stay away from it in the beginning. But most of all, through all of this I just felt loved, not just an “oh I will love you cause I have to love” but true genuine caring love. The kind of love you see when you see Jesus loving through others. And, it was the type of love that one may see in a family. So I just want to thank God for these girls, who love me for who I am, the way Jesus would. And who love me enough that they do not want to watch me fall. So thanks! True love, True family!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Burn me up God!

Oh how I desire for there be less of me and more of God. I don’t want to be Luke warm any more.

Revelation 3:16 “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

You are the potter I m the clay. Oh God shape me and mold me. No more of me. Help me to live by the spirit.

Romans 8:10-11 “But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.”

God break me. Brake off the masks; brake off the roles; spit on me…allow me to see only the things you want me to see! May I be of the world but not in it! God break the lies. Break the chains.

Help me to walk in the truth, and live out the truth. May my words and actions line up. I want to be a burning fire for you. God let me be a vessel of your love. Your truth. May the words I speak be only of You! God please increase in my life. Give me a burning desire and passion to always go deeper, and to be closer to You! Help me to be thankful for what you have done in me so far, but yet never satisfied, always wanting to go deeper, to know more. Discipline me…wake me up early to spend time with you! Give me YOUR heart! Help me to be raw, open, honest and just completely real! Keep me on a short leash. The moment I begin to stray from your straight and narrow path draw me back onto the road. Never let go of your child!

Bring them back, Call them home!

As I write this blog, my heart brakes, and I long to see people turning back to their heavenly father. It breaks my heart to think about those people who once had a relationship with Jesus, and now has just walked away from that. How? What happens? I see these people and see how they are not really happy, and how they are trying to hide things, and it makes my heart break even more! Bring them back to you! Call home the prodigals! Reach out and grab hold of them, and never let go till they are once again in relationship with you! God restore and reconcile there relationships. Put people in their lives that will be a shinning light for you! May they encounter you in such a way that they would not be able to turn away from you. I pray that those things they do to seek pleasure, Lord would you give them such dissatisfaction in that! May they only find pleasure and contentment in You! God I also pray that you would give us, your heart for these people, that you would give us a strong desire to see them come home, and you would just burn it in our hearts to intercede for them with fervent unceasing prayer. God, would you reveal the lies, break them God, set them free! Fill them with YOUR truth, YOUR love, Reveal to them who they are in you. God you created them, you know them better then I could ever know them, you know them better then they know themselves. So minister to them is such a way that would touch and begin to heal even the deepest and darkest hurts and wounds. Let them know there is nowhere they could go, where you are not there! My heart has not been this broken over back slidden friends for a while, so please please join with me in praying for those who we know who don’t know God!

Friday, December 01, 2006

His Mercy’s are new every morning.

This has been really really real and true to me this week. This has been a week of really knowing and feeling God’s love in a new and deeper way. Tuesday night was a hard night for me. I was extremely over tired and had come off of caffeine high, and so when I crashed I crashed hard. I have not broke down like that for a while, however, with that being said, that night, in the midst of my brokenness, and not giving up, but putting worship music on and letting the words just wash over me. And as I let the words of the music wash over me, All I could feel was love, though there was no other person in the room, I felt consumed by love, and like I was being held. It was an amazing feeling that I don’t think I can fully explain. Then latter that night God gave me a picture, as one of my roommates where praying with me, and the picture was of this hand holding a needle and thread, and mending the pieces of my broken heart together. It was amazing and gave me such hope, and it caused my heart to stop hurting physically. Then the next morning I woke feeling fresh, and so filled with deep deep peace, and love. As I was on my way to placement there was a talk on 96.1 (the Christian radio station) and I only caught the end of it but it was saying this…if you’re lonely you need friends, if you are cold you need a coat, if you are hungry you need food, but if you are broken you need God! This is SO true. It reminded me that in our brokenness God will never leave us, and He is the only one that can heal us, and make us whole again! As well as for all of yesterday, especially in the afternoon and most of the evening, I was filled with His Joy! My jaws hurt from smiling so much, and I could not stop laughing! Even today, I am still giggly, it is at little stupid things, but giggly none the less! In all of this, it just reminds me of how gracious our God really is, and how He is so merciful to us! Be encouraged because tomorrow is a new day, and He is waiting for you, with his arms of unconditional love waiting for you! Waiting to pour out His love, grace and mercy over you!